Obesity is a complex health condition involving having an excessive amount of body fat that increases one's risk for other serious medical conditions. The main causes of obesity include:

  • Overeating - Consuming more calories from food and drink than one's body can efficiently burn off leads to weight gain over time. This can be driven by factors like portion distortion, easy access to calorie-dense foods, stress, boredom, or other emotions.
  • Lack of physical activity - Not getting enough regular exercise to balance out the calories consumed. The average adult should aim for 150 minutes of moderate activity per week.
  • Genetics & environment - While not the sole cause, genetics and environments that promote overeating and inactivity can predispose some people to gain weight more easily.
Obesity is typically diagnosed by calculating one's body mass index (BMI) using their height and weight. A BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese. Other more accurate measures include waist circumference and body fat percentage. The health risks linked to obesity encompass many conditions - heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, liver & kidney disease, stroke, and mental illness. Losing weight with obesity requires substantial, lifelong lifestyle changes for most. Common tips include:
  • Tracking calories to monitor overeating
  • Choosing nutritious whole foods over processed options
  • Incorporating strength workouts to build metabolism-boosting muscle
  • Getting enough sleep and managing stress
  • Joining a weight loss program for accountability and support
Small, sustainable adjustments to habits around food and activity can go a long way. Overcoming obesity leads to huge reductions in health risks and improvements in energy, confidence, and quality of life. The first step is speaking to a professional at Thrive HRT for a customized weight loss plan.

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